Thursday, October 15, 2020

The Church & the Eternal Plan of God

 The Bible tells us that the Church is the eternal plan of God and that through the church God's manifold wisdom is displayed to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 3:10-11). But how exactly? 

Christians often think of the church as some entity that God had in mind to bring into existence in 1 Century AD. But I believe that may not be entirely true, rather it was God's day 1 plan.

In fact the word Church (greek - Ekklesia) use to refer to Christians in the New Testament, is the same word that was used to refer to an Israelite assembly in the Old Testament.

Let us dig a little deeper to see what I'm talking about.




The author of the book of Genesis explains the purpose of creation and how humans play a vital role in God's purpose behind creation. 


God created the world in six days and on the sixth day, He created the first humans. God assigned humans to rule over everything that He created. God made the humans in His own image so that they can take care of His world appropriately i.e. man has to rule with love, kindness, justice, self-sacrifice and other virtues that are characteristics of God Himself. (Genesis 1:26-27)


God then created a beautiful Garden, Eden. Eden was special because it was a place where God dwells. (Not to say that God isn't present in every other place but this place was something different because it's a place where 'God loves to dwell'). Now, the first humans were supposed to multiply and fill this earth with people who are all in God’s image. (Genesis 1:28). To put it in other words, it was a mission of humans to make the whole earth a dwelling place for God, a place where God loves to dwell. The whole world should be made into an Eden.


But alas! Humans doubted God's intention and everything fell apart. Not only the first humans failed but the ones who came after them made it even worse. A glance at the current affairs will show us how horrible a place we have eventually made this earth. Far from the Eden that God wanted us to make.




Just because humans didn't do what they were supposed to do, doesn't mean God will give up. In fact, He already had a solution in place. 


He called Abraham and his children to be His partner, the nation of Israel. Israel was now the new Eden, and God dwelt in their camps. (tabernacle (exodus 40:34-38) and then the temple (1 Kings 8)). They were to rule the way Adam and Eve were supposed to rule. But what's obvious from history is that Israel too failed. And not just failed but ended up into exile as a punishment for their great transgressions.


The Messiah


God's desire to make the whole earth, an Eden, looks far from a reality. Moreover, Israel seems to be the last nation that can restore things. 


Has God failed?


No, may it never be! Yes, the whole world will be Eden and yes, it will be through Israel. None of God's plan will be thwarted. 


Jesus lived his entire life in submission to God. He was obedient to God even unto his death. God's characteristics were manifested in every facet of Jesus' life. He was a king; yet He ruled like a servant, being humble, loving, kind, just and self-sacrificial. He is the true human, the exact way man was supposed to be when God created them. He taught this same lifestyle to his followers. And His message was preached to the ends of the earth. There are followers of Jesus from every tribe and every nation and they are together called the Church, and God dwells in the Church (2 Corinthians 6:16).


So, God’s desire to make the whole earth Eden, a dwelling place for God was finally accomplished by Jesus, the true Human; and He was a Jew too, the true Israelite. And I'm convinced that this is what Paul means when He says Church was the eternal plan of God. 


The church displays God's characteristics when they live according to Jesus’ instructions, they have filled the earth and God dwells in them. And thus they display God's manifold wisdom. Whereby God fulfils his plans even when everything seems to be going against it. 


The second coming


Christ has fulfilled God's desire, however, the evil still exists in the earth and earth is not exactly how Eden was. That is what God will accomplish when Jesus returns. He'll judge the World. He'll eliminate the evil and new heavens and new earth will be created. The church will get a glorified body and all things will be made new. And this is the hope in which, we the followers of Christ, live. Looking forward to the day when this too will be fulfilled, like the way everything else He has accomplished. 


The whole earth as Eden, where God loves to dwell!