Sunday, January 14, 2018

Christ - Center of our life

Is Christ the center of your life?

Every christian should ask this to himself, even otherwise, for sure, he must have heard this question at least once. 

But what does it mean!

I was pretty sure I knew.

When I  was planning to buy a house, I first prayed about it and when I found one I gave all the glory to God (which rightly, I must). When I was preparing for admission in some college, I diligently prayed about it and when I successfully got placed I knew that it's only because of the Lord's mercy and I gave all the credit to Him.

I truly depended on God for all my decisions, I earnestly wanted His will not mine. 

Does that mean Christ was the center of my life? Of course He was at the center of my life, after all I acknowledge Him in everything I do; or was He?

To know that, let's first try to define what it means to be center of one's life.

"When someone becomes so important for you that you are ready to go to any extent to meet their desires and their interests; they become the center of your life. Your whole life basically revolves around them and what they like"

The best example, that I can think of is when a child is born to a couple. He immediately becomes the center of their life. 

They are ready to sacrifice those late night parties they used to enjoy, for him; they are ready to miss that college reunion, if he's not well; they are ready to even sit and watch that cartoon series for an hour, for him. They are ready to do anything for him even if it's unpleasant and boring, and they'd never do it except if it was for him. 

In the same way, when I say Christ is the center of my life, His desire and His interests must become more important to me, than my own.

Now what is Christ's desire and his interests?

In Luke 19:10 Jesus said, "For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost". He came to save the sinners, to reconcile man to God.
He did this while he was in this world and when he left, He commissioned this task to His disciples.

Matthew 28:19-20
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

So as a disciple of Christ I am in a mission, I am co-labourer with Christ in His mission.

The way I used to pray shows that God wasn't center of my life, I was. And since I can't risk making wrong decisions, I want God. Who else can make sure that I don't make a blunder other than the all knowing God?

I wanted God to be on my side rather than I being on His side. I wanted God to approve what I want to do rather than doing what God wants to do.

If Christ is center of my life, I look for a job and I make sure that it doesn't deter my mission to know Christ and to make him known; If Christ is the center of my life, I don't buy a house just because I want to, but I make a house which is open for prayer and His work.

I don't ask God, is this Job good for my future?, will I do well? (no harm in doing it though) rather I analyze the work and ask God before taking it up, to make sure that this work must not deter the mission for which I have been called out.

Truly when Paul says I've been crucified with Christ, he understood that it is no longer, his desire and his ambitions that was important but Christ's desire and His mission that is worth doing.

Let's remold our lives to make Christ truly center of our lives whatever the cost maybe!


  1. Praise God for giving you victory in this area. I can relate to this. To live is Christ... In Him we live and move.. Christ centered-more of Him and less of me.
